When we get a new client, 9 times out of 10 I find their google business profile page to be lacking in details and content which can hurt your chances of showing up for a local business search query.
While page one rankings are never guaranteed, here are the things we do to make sure our chances of out ranking a competitor are successful. Here are a few gmb hacks to get more calls.
1. Business profile settings. Fill out every.single.detail in this section. From your website, to phone number, to the different languages you may speak, service area, main business category, gender neutral restrooms, etc. Don’t leave anything left blank. In the upper right hand corner of your settings there is a circle that says, Profile Strength. It will tell you if it needs work or is looking good.

2. Leave your hours of operation open 24/7, and answer calls, 24/7. Which company do you think Google will rank higher, one that is open all the time, or one that’s only open 9-5. While it’s not technically in the top 3, I can confirm Google says hours of operation is a crucial ranking factor.
3. Products. Make sure your products are filled out as much as possible. This is an option in settings to add which products you offer. With products you can add in a photo, description and a link back to your site to that specific product. Whether your business actually has products or services add them to this section.

4. Services. Again, add all your services to this section with a name and a description. The description matters, fill it out with keywords that are relevant to your business!

5. Updates. For this section, you can post blogs, updates on services, updates on products, literally anything just make sure you’re posting updates at least once a week to let Google know you’re an active business with lots of good stuff going on.

These in my opinion, are basics of running a Google business profile, stay tuned in a future post for some ‘not so obvious’ GMB tips and tricks!