Why Attorneys Will Be Important During COVID-19 Recovery

“Essential worker” has become a household term as a result of the pandemic. Warehouse workers, delivery drivers, grocery store workers, and healthcare professionals have all played a crucial role in helping the nation move forward through this pandemic while most of the population has been under stay at home orders.

Some lawyers have also been deemed essential, especially law firms offering virtual consultations for clients and letting their employees work from home. As the United States tries to reopen, lawyers will continue to protect the rights of the people in this country from this unprecedented crisis.

As legal marketing experts, Triple Digital expects to see a large number of people trying to find information regarding COVID-19 cases. Here are some of the things people have been searching:

Why Attorneys Will Be Important During COVID-19 Recovery. COVID-19 and Workers’ Compensation

People who are experiencing this pandemic firsthand or starting to get back to work are afraid of contracting COVID-19 at their workplace. The workers want to know what rights are available to them and what benefits they should be entitled to if they happen to contract the virus as a result of doing their job.

Employment/Labor Law and COVID-19

Families First Coronavirus Response Act and the FMLA have afforded protections for workers. However, there are still certain challenges that need to be dealt with, and people need to understand their rights. In addition to all of this, some workers feel that their employers are not taking the proper safety and health precautions. Some fear retaliation if they speak up, which means they will need experienced advocates. There will likely be many COVID-19 lawsuits. Many employers and lawmakers are pushing for federal liability protections, which could arguably make it less safe for employees.

COVID-19 and Medical Malpractice

Many people are being hailed as heroes, especially healthcare workers across the country who are helping us through this difficult time. But there are going to be situations where mistakes can be made, and there will be individuals that will suffer as a result of medical negligence. Some protections have been afforded to these individuals to shield health workers from any liability at a state or federal level. But patients will continue to count on medical malpractice lawyers to help them understand their rights and receive fair compensation.

Nursing Home Negligence and COVID-19

Many people are part of the vulnerable population, and nursing homes who are trying to protect the elderly are certainly at the top of the list. However, there are some nursing home facilities that have not taken the proper precautions, allowing outbreaks to spread, and they should be held accountable. There will be families that will want information on nursing home abuse, directly from neglect lawyers, that can help them get answers and get justice.

Wrongful Death and COVID-19

A meat processing plant called JBS USA, Carnival Corp., and Walmart, as well as nursing homes in Oregon and Texas, currently face wrongful death claims because of COVID-19 fatalities at their facilities. There are families of consumers and workers that have died and are part of these wrongful death cases, and they will be contacting lawyers to better understand their legal rights.

Personal Injury Claims and Car Accidents During COVID-19

Because individuals are staying home as much as they can during the pandemic, there’s been a dramatic drop in car crashes. However, law enforcement has reported that speed-related crashes and reckless drivers are increasing on near-empty roads.

In addition to all of this, healthcare professionals have seen fewer typical injuries, perhaps because people are afraid to go to the hospital due to potential coronavirus exposure. Some people are not getting proper treatment for less severe injuries, which can result in more serious, even lifelong problems. This may significantly affect people involved in slip and fall accidents, car crashes, and other accidents.

Bankruptcy and The COVID-19 Pandemic

Across the US, consumers and businesses are trying to find solutions for the financial strain caused by COVID-19. The CARES Act has provisions that will give some assistance to consumers and businesses that want to prevent bankruptcy. We expect to see a substantial increase in searches for bankruptcy lawyers from those who will be financially impacted, or people who are simply looking for the best path forward.

Understanding Consumer Rights During COVID-19

Although it is unthinkable that businesses would try to take advantage of individuals during this challenging time, it is something that could occur. In fact, it is bound to happen. There will be consumers who are presented with preventative measures and cures that are supposed to help with the virus. Some will find businesses that they have purchased products from before, such as airlines or ticket vendors, now refusing to give refunds and only providing credits. All across the country, each of the states are being very vigilant in regards to price gouging. But consumers will still be taken advantage of during this troubling time, and they will undoubtedly need legal counsel to get justice.

Premises Liability Regarding COVID-19

Sickening and shocking conditions have been featured in headlines regarding cruise ships, where the virus can spread quite rapidly. Many people affected have no idea what their legal options are. As the country moves toward a potential reopening, people may discover that they are now victims of substantial outbreaks. These outbreaks are often tied to businesses such as gyms, hotels, bars, and restaurants that failed to take precautions to protect visitors.

Domestic Violence, Divorce, and Child Custody During COVID-19

Some people relate quarantining with their family to being trapped inside a pressure cooker, waiting for it to explode. Family law firms are well aware that marriages can break down, requiring both sides to get legal assistance regarding child custody or divorce. In these worst-case scenarios, family lawyers can help survivors who have gone through domestic violence and provide them with options regarding protecting themselves.

Business Interruption Insurance and COVID-19

Businesses such as restaurants, retail stores, and bars that were shut down because of COVID-19 should review their insurance policies to determine how to cover the resulting financial loss. In this case, the best course of action would be to speak with an attorney that can help them understand their policies and take on insurance companies that may not want to provide a fair payout.

Understand Which COVID-19 Cases Your Firm Wants

At Triple Digital, our lawyers tend to get most of our cases from online searches. During this time, we are seeing many law firms taking action. The legal profession will be essential in helping people recover from this pandemic, and we would like to help by providing our assistance.

Contact Triple Digital today if you would like to schedule a free consultation with our legal marketing experts.

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